(Aligning IEP's to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
IEP Teams must ensure that students with disabilities have an Individualized Education Program that provides for access, involvement and progress in the general education curriculum. When developing the IEP, the IEP team should keep as its focal point the RI CCSS that all students including students with disabilities are required to meet. An IEP aligned to the CCSS, connects a student's learning to grade level standards and evaluates progress through the lens of the general education curriculum, standards, assessment anchors and curriculum framework. (http://www.ride.ri.gov/StudentsFamilies/SpecialEducation/IEPIndividualEducationProgram.aspx#15741-iep-forms)
IEP Teams must ensure that students with disabilities have an Individualized Education Program that provides for access, involvement and progress in the general education curriculum. When developing the IEP, the IEP team should keep as its focal point the RI CCSS that all students including students with disabilities are required to meet. An IEP aligned to the CCSS, connects a student's learning to grade level standards and evaluates progress through the lens of the general education curriculum, standards, assessment anchors and curriculum framework. (http://www.ride.ri.gov/StudentsFamilies/SpecialEducation/IEPIndividualEducationProgram.aspx#15741-iep-forms)
Designing an effective, measurable IEP is similar to designing a building. The building will only be as good as its blueprint and a student's educational program will only be as good as the IEP. Just like a house requires a well thought out blueprint a good education program requires a well thought out IEP. A blueprint and an IEP are written so that multiple individuals can follow them. They are both clear and measurable. The IEP is both instructionally relevant and legally compliant.
An instructionally relevant IEP is the blueprint for a student to make meaningful educational growth. The IEP is about the student and what the student needs. Each step in the IEP process builds on the previous. It is an internally consistent doument with building blocks that are aligned and described with quantitative data. The PLAAFP serves as the foundation of the IEP. The needs are written in measurable terms and used as the baseline in the development of the annual measurable goals. There is a direct alignment between the need, the baseline and the goal statement. The goal is measurable. The short term objectives or benchmarks are directly related to the measurable annual goal and written in quantifiable terms.
Specially designed instruction is the vehicle that enables the student to meet the goal.
A legally compliant IEP meets all the requirements of federal and state law. /StudentsFamilies/SpecialEducation/SpecialEducationRegulations.aspx#32091108-state-criteria-for-specific-learning-disabilities
Frequently asked IEP questions.
An instructionally relevant IEP is the blueprint for a student to make meaningful educational growth. The IEP is about the student and what the student needs. Each step in the IEP process builds on the previous. It is an internally consistent doument with building blocks that are aligned and described with quantitative data. The PLAAFP serves as the foundation of the IEP. The needs are written in measurable terms and used as the baseline in the development of the annual measurable goals. There is a direct alignment between the need, the baseline and the goal statement. The goal is measurable. The short term objectives or benchmarks are directly related to the measurable annual goal and written in quantifiable terms.
Specially designed instruction is the vehicle that enables the student to meet the goal.
A legally compliant IEP meets all the requirements of federal and state law. /StudentsFamilies/SpecialEducation/SpecialEducationRegulations.aspx#32091108-state-criteria-for-specific-learning-disabilities
Frequently asked IEP questions.